


As we prepared for the birth of our son, we knew we wanted the help of a postpartum doula to maximize the time we could spend with our newborn. We chose well—Cathy came through in a way we’ll never forget. And she brought us homemade bread!

Before the birth, she came over and we began working on a plan. She learned the layout and organization of our home. Things like where the broom is, how to take care of the trash and laundry, what my household pet peeves are (we all have them!). We loved that aside from being a doting and caring person, Cathy knows her way around a kitchen and can whip up any number of marvelous things to eat or drink (Mmm Turmeric Lattes with a slice of homemade Banana Bread, homemade applesauce with turmeric and rose petals…). We talked about our favorite foods and things we’d enjoy having on hand, and she put together a menu, matching our cravings with wholesome, healing and tasty options. 

With no family in town and the baby arriving early, Cathy’s help was even more welcome. She arrived with everything she needed for the day, and attended to us with warm and eager energy. She helped us immensely by nourishing us, feeding us and watching the baby while we slept. Two or three hours of luxurious, uninterrupted sleep—and then we’d return rested to our baby.

We didn’t anticipate breastfeeding to be the challenge that is was; my son couldn’t latch for almost two months. In those early days, Cathy empowered me not to give up. She reassured me that it can take time for some babies and that I was not at fault. She promised me I was doing everything right. She helped me troubleshoot and connected me to the IBCLC that eventually had the expertise to treat our particular issue. 

With Cathy’s support, we were able to start our journey as parents on the best possible note. We’re grateful for her presence in our home and would recommend her to anyone seeking a postpartum doula.



I thought a postpartum doula was someone who simply helped out around the house in those rough early days after the baby comes home. I didn’t realize how much I would learn from Cathy, even as a second-time mom. She’s kind, easy to be around and brought so much valuable knowledge about postpartum healing, nutrition and baby care that made the first few weeks go much more smoothly. Cathy is also an incredible cook who introduced us to delicious foods to aide in recovery. It was great to feel supported by someone who really knew what they were doing, and brought a warm and caring presence into our home at a time when we really needed it. 


It wasn't an easy decision for me to pick a postpartum doula. In retrospect after the baby was born was one of the most challenging times in my life. l was at my most vulnerable, emotionally and physically. I didn't know that the postpartum period would be this grueling and traumatic a process for me. Needless to say words cannot express how grateful I am that I let Cathy into my life at this time. She was very much my rock and helped me slowly but surely regain my strength, both emotionally and physically. I learned so much from her - lessons that not only helped me through the first several weeks after delivery, but advice and guidance that I will carry and take with me forever. Breastfeeding is so much easier for me now! She is incredibly knowledgeable, caring, informative, passionate....any one lucky enough to work with Cathy will be truly blessed and my son can't SCREAM enough about her too! He started out as a slight little babe and now has those delicious fatty thighs-and I can thank Cathy (and my boobs) for that! ;)